Infinity-Box Chinese Miracle-2 MTK/Mediatek v1.56 - Helio X20/X25, Secure Fever and more
Mediatek FP Platform:- MT6276

> New types supported
New FlashIDs included
EMI builder updated
FW reading Speed improved, about 2x times faster
Some other bugfixes mentioned by users
- MT6255
Improved FW Reading engine
> New types supported
New FlashIDs included
FW reading Speed improved, about 2x times faster
256 MiB Flash ICs supported
Some other bugfixes mentioned by users
Mediatek SP Platform:
MT6797(T) - New HighEnd DECA-Core CPU from MediaTek: Helio X20, Helio X25
- MT6797 ( Helio 2x series ) support activated !
Firmware Read and Write (as factory one)
Signed FW Read and Write
Factory FW flashing
Read full info (with extended and security info)
FlashDump Read / Write
NVRAM Read / Write
UserLocks Reset (include fingerprint lock) without data lost !
HW test - eMMC RO test
Security repair - IMEI1, IMEI2
SP unlock ( Unlock Code Reading )
SP unlock ( Direct Unlock )
Format FileSystem / Reset settings: FRP, Privacy and rest user locks included
Reset FRP lock: Google Reset Protection
Reset Privacy Lock
Repair ExtData
Flash Erase
Fix Unknown BaseBand
Init Preloader
Forensic: PhoneBook extraction
Forensic: User Gallery (Photo / Video) extraction
Read ModemConfiguration file ( BPLGUI )
Modem ReInit
FastBoot mode operations
- Flash Engine updated
MT6797 FW flashing activated
MT6750, MT6755, MT6797 specific changes:
Activated ability of flashing SIGNED firmwares - WorldFirst !
Activated ability of flashing SECURE firmwares - WorldFirst !
MT65xx, MT67xx, MT81xx specific changes:
Activated SECURED type detection - WorldFirst !
CM2 will identify phone secure type and warn user about possible ways
There is 2 options generaly - SafeFlash ( ONLY SAME FW VERSION! ) and stop flashing at all
Detection done BEFORE any operation with phone - that mean DEVICE COMPLETELY IN SAFE, if there is any problem can happen
- FW Reader Improved
MT6797 ( Helio X20 and Helio X25 ) support activated !
> Allow Read FACTORY FW from MT6797 and MT6797T phones
> FW read by CM2 is COMPLETELY like factory one
> FW read by CM2 contain ALL need parts, all need settings etc.
> FW read by CM2 NOT damage/destroy security/user/fota and etc settings, as always
New types supported
Brand-specific improvements
Files verification improved
MT6750, MT6755, MT6797: FW reader will verify and detected SECURED and SIGNED FW types
MT67xx, MT65xx, MT81xx: FW reader will verify and detected NORMAL and SECURED FW types
If you got message from CM2 after read FW - READ IT CAREFULY! It explain all what you need to know.
Warning: That firmwares CAN NOT be flashed with SPFT !
- Service:
Repair Security revised for secure devices
Format FS operation revised ( stuck problem fixed )
Format FS revised for Secure platforms ( complete part rebuild possible on signed and secured devices )
- Other
Certification DL mode activated for MT6750,MT6755,MT6797
> Allow boot devices with CERT check ( if they are in supported list )
> Allow make all service and repair operations with devices with CERT check ( if they are in supported list )
> Currently supported series: LeEco MT6797 based phones
Preloader Init: Mt65xx and MT67xx operations improved
Preloader Init: Memory Type detection revised
Many other changes and improvements at all
Infinity Box Chinese Miracle 2 MTK v 1.56
New method to upload firmware files to support area - Flash Files Database - iosFileUploader
New method to download firmware files from support area - Flash Files Torrent system
Infinity-Box 11 (eleven) years (2005 - 2016) updates and support as nobody else - Infinity-Box - News
Unlock Codes (Huawei, SE, Motorola, Samsung etc.), iPhone Unlock, Software Activations - Infinity-Box Online Service
- Infinity-Box Dongle ready for delivery
- BB5 Easy Service Tool [BEST] Dongle
- CDMA-Tool Dongle (fast and easy unlock)
Great! Nicholas